Introduction to


Pim van Die, VI Company


  • Intro
  • What
  • Why
  • Vue instance
  • Components
    • Global registration
    • Local registration
  • Data
    • Props & data
    • Computed
    • Watchers
  • Bindings
  • Tips & tricks
  • Bonus examples


  • Basics of Vue 🚀
  • Not using .vue files
  • using existing DOM as templates


From the docs:
Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
  • Binds data / states to the DOM
  • Reactive: data changes > DOM changes
  • A Vue instance/component works like a (view)model. Populating and mutating its own data.
  • The attached DOM reacts accordingly.


  • Fast comparison
  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to write (no `.jsx`, although you can use `.vue`)
  • Easy to install
  • Detailed, clean and understandable docs
  • No one million thousand dependencies

Vue instance

  • An application is started with one Vue instance.
  • Often refered as the vm, for view model
    (remember, depending on the view model, the DOM is manipulated).
  • only one instance should be needed per page

Demo: My first VueJS instance


From the docs:

a high level, components are custom elements that Vue’s compiler attaches behavior to

  • Components live inside a Vue instance
  • Create your own tag
  • Components are reusable
    (also inside the same instance)
  • Demo

Global registration

  • Registrate global to use it anywhere in the Vue instance
  • No need to let the instance know which components are used

Global registration

							Vue.component('my-custom-component', { 
							  mounted() {

Local registration

  • Only create a config object, aka the definition
  • Make the component only available in the scope of another instance / component


Local registration

							// component definition
							const myComponent = {
							  mounted() {

							// usage in an instance
							new Vue({
							  components: {
							    my-custom-component': myComponent,

Props & data


  • Scoped to the component
  • Should not be altered from outside the component
  • Can't receive data from parent
  • Can pass data to child components

Props 1/2

  • VueJS uses one way data flow, from parent to child
  • Parent passes data to child
  • Child receives it as a prop
  • Parent changes data, prop changes in child *
  • Child can't directly alter its own props

Props 2/2

A child component needs to explicitly declare the props it expects to receive using the props option

* Two different type of props: dynamic & static

Computed properties 1/2

  • Return a property, based on other props or data
  • Computed properties are reactive

Computed properties 2/2

							// Component JS
							data() {
							  return {
							    firstName: 'Bertus',
							    lastName: 'Stijgerpijp',

							computed: {
							  fullName() {
							    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

							// HTML
							{{ fullName }}
Demo data & props


  • events:
    Easily bind click, input, etc events on elements
  • classes:
    Add or remove classes based on the data
  • states:
    Display or hide elements based on the data
  • model:
    Bind a form input directy to a data property

Bindings demo

Tips & tricks

  • v-cloak attribute & style
    Hide HTML until Vue rendered the component (docs)
  • inline-template attribute
    Bind components to existing DOM elements (docs)
  • Vue Devtools
    Extremely handy tool for Chrome to inspect components and their data / props (Github)

Bonus examples